CCA Holiday Craft Fair 2017

This past December, Storied Stitches had the pleasure of tableing at the California College of the Arts Holiday Fair. We had a blast talking to folks about our zine! We also shared a table with our friend, Tori, who had amazing screen-printed garments.

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Our table was in an amazing spot – right under this amazing mural painted by CCA students and we got a great response from everyone there. We feel that the exposure of craft fairs like these are invaluable, even if we don’t end up selling a ton of zines. We want to define success beyond the financial and spread knitting conversations and inspiration to everyone who wants it.

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Caroline (who illustrates Storied Stitches covers) also had paintings, screen-printed bags, and a few knitted items on display. We also had Storied Stitches stickers as a sort of business card (and one is included in every Vol. 2).


We had a great experience with our first tabling experience with Storied Stitches and we are looking forward to going to more zine/craft fairs in the future!

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Valentina (Storied Stitches writer extraordinaire) now has this paper banner in her bedroom!


Caroline and Valentina

the Storied Stitches crew