Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to create new work for this zine?

No! We are happy to take work you have completed in the past, work you’ve submitted to other zines, or created for other projects. As long as it’s stitching related. We will also accept works in progress if you’d like to share!

Will I receive compensation for participating in the zine?

At this time we cannot pay our contributors. We are just two people running this zine and we pay for printing zines and our website out of pocket. We do give every contributor three physical copies of the zine (and you can always let us know if you’d like more). If you need to be paid to contribute, we totally understand but we cannot accommodate this at the moment.

When can I submit work?

We usually have a one month window calling for submissions, but since there is always another issue around the corner, you can fill out this Google form any time and we will automatically add it to the pool for the next issue!

Where will the zine be available?

We will have a downloadable, high quality PDF available to download via Google Drive. For an easier desktop experience, we will have a version available on Issuu. Physical copies (full color, printed on nice paper) will be available on our Etsy for $5 plus shipping. If you want a physical copy but cannot afford it or would like to print one at home for personal use, please message us! We also go to many zine fests, in person and digital. Follow us on Instagram at StoriedStitches for upcoming events!

How many copies of each volume are printed? Will Volume x be reprinted?

At this time we are limiting our print runs to 50 copies of each volume. We are always looking to the next volume and want to focus our energy and money towards each zine as it comes out. We are running super low on Volume 1 (four copies left!) so if you want a physical copy - now is the time! But of course, all the zines will be available on our website for free.